Write what you want to read, they say. I’m drawn to the paradox. Ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, great truths masquerading as small lies, heroes playing fools. Juxtaposition of the magical and the mundane is irresistible to me.
Writing speculative fiction allows me to share the sense of awe, wonder and danger you experience when you peek under the lining of reality. I’m fascinated by the thin line between the real and the fantastical, rational and irrational, and the games our mind plays. Inspired by mythology and folklore, my stories unfold in liminal spaces and subvert—hopefully!—a trope or two.
A Little History
I was born in Moscow when it was the capital of a now extinct empire, and I had a chance to experience both the security and the subjugation of the totalitarian state. In retrospect, it was a winning combination of a happy childhood and a subversive youth. When the country I knew disintegrated like planet Krypton in front of my eyes, the shockwave of that explosion blew me across the world. I’ve landed on the island of Manhattan and have considered myself a New Yorker ever since.
These days, I live at the edge of the last natural forest on the island with my husband, a digital animator, sharing our old apartment with an ever-expanding library and a spoiled English bulldog.
I studied psychology as an undergrad and later received a Master’s in humanities from NYU. My creative nonfiction was published in a few literary magazines; a young adult fantasy Print In The Snow won an IPPY gold medal; the manuscript of Over The Hills Of Green was a finalist in the Faulkner-Wisdom Creative Writing Competition. I am a member of WFWA.
Meet the characters: Wyssun
Although by now Anna has seen several strange things and people, she couldn’t help a…
Meet the characters: Hunters
It was a peculiar song with a melody rhythmical and plaintive at the same time,…
Meet the characters: Yaret
Meet the characters: Yaret She heard steps approaching, accompanied with rhythmic tinkling, then a tip…
Meet the characters: Llewelys
A completely inexplicable character walked into the room. At first glance, he looked like a…

On her otherworldly trek, the young heroine meets marvelous creatures and survives surreal experiences. And like so many mythic heroes, she returns home wiser than when she left. The prose of this novella and the lovely illustrations weave a spell. —Dr. Michele Levy

A cult classic in the making – the book is a simultaneously beautiful and bizarre fairytale, filled with otherworldly characters and a down-to earth heroine. —J. L. Drue

Within the unique world that E.V. Svetova created, she has also lovingly woven in the tenets of Buddhism, Jungian philosophy, and even the laws of quantum physics. I am waiting for the sequel! —Lou Del Bianco

Carefully woven tale with amazing illustrations. —Victoria Usova, Chest of Fairytales

OVER THE HILLS OF GREEN is deep and emotive work that explores gender, sexuality and the ties which hold us to reality, all whilst delivering a really excellent fantasy fiction plot. … An essential read for speculative and magical realism fans looking for something totally fresh and new. —Readers’ Favorite

E.V. Svetova’s narrative reveals stylistic and philosophical story elements reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland and The Little Prince. PRINT IN THE SNOW is a chimerical, inspiring and enlightening story for tween to young adult lovers of fairy tales. —IndieReader Review